Outdoor photography is a great activity. It associates going outside in the wild (or at least in the free nature) and our passion for photography. But it can be also prepared on the web. This is the reason I collected a few good web addresses for web sites taking seriously the outdoor photographer needs and interests:
- Digital Outback Photo (DOP): The ever better web site.
- The luminous landscape: A lot of Canon hardware, but a welcome variety and a very good technical level (and good photos, too).
- Outdoor photographer: Tips, hardware reviews (slanted toward Nikon stuff) and nice photo locations make a good combination for you to look at.
- Moore photography: Nice nature images
- Outdoor eyes: Selling good quality outdoor photo prints from a large choice of photographers, presenting some good tips and techniques (like this surprising “The Use Of A Laser Pointer To Focus In Dim Light“)
- Stages de Téléobjectif-ASCPF for the French speaking and to shoot in the Rambouillet forest (South of Paris).
- Benelux Nature Photo: THE forum for French-speaking amateurs of animal and wildlife phtography.
I would also add the nice English newspaper titled “Outdoor photography” (unfortunately, very badly distributed in France).
Do you have some other addresses to offer?
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