As plenty other people you may have already downloaded the Crysis demo because you wanted to taste the PC game of the end of the year. But some Internet web site went further and stressed the demo to the point that you can get a good feeling of what this video game will be capable of. Here is an interesting list:
- 13 graphics cards tested under Crysis by (français)
- DirectX 9 vs 10 in the Crysis Demo (English)
- Tweaks to get Crysis DX10ish Features in Windows XP (English)
- “Crysis 32 vs 64 bit – the real story?” is YouGamers commenting on the “Crysis (Demo Performance)” short post of Legion Hardware (English).
What you will notice is that plenty of these web sites consider that a normal display must have 1440×900 or 1680×1050 resolution to play Crysis confortably (I did not say “to play cheaply”).
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