Corporate profiles and company information

There are many good reasons to check a company profile. I can immediately think about the purchasing manager willing to evaluate whether a potential supplier is reliable, a job seeker willing to ensure that his/her résumé will go only to companies whose strength is safe enough to harbor him/her for a long time, a company willing to know more about a competitor’s financial health, etc.

Do not miss it:

If you need more useful information about companies, you can stop by the Entreprise topic of my blog. It has much more to offer.

Today, there is a tidy little collection of solutions to this problem. Most of them use available free sources, but they may not be willing to provide free information.  So, some are free, some provide information for a fee. I tried to build a list of some very significant sources and I will share this list here with you.

Corporate Information (http:/

All key figures are freely available at the tip of a company search engine. Wright Quality ratings are also available freely.

Full reports can be purchased online for $24 to $60 (subscriptions are also possible). They include a financial statement analysis, financial ratio analysis, detailed Wright quality analysis.

Manta (

The information seems scantily available and you must open an account to access to any significant information (anything other than the most basic data like annual sales).

Revere Research Reports (

Even the free overview does not contain much. All reports require a payment, but prices fly quite high (from $75 for a list of competitors to $250 for various M&A scenario analysis).


This company seems to no longer provide any such financial service.


Analysis to come later.

Amadeus (

AMADEUS is a database of financial information for 250,000 European companies (available by subscription only).


In short, Corporate Information is my preferred source among the sources providing some free data.







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