Category: iPad
Authy, solution to 2FA pains
In the past, I have been known to push for the use of two-factor authentication for as many web sites as possible. Through the use of an app running on my smartphone, I can provide a code that is much safer than the SMS text message sent by some web sites and that can be…
Synology-based synchronization solution
When CrashPlan announced the end of its unlimited backup service, I had to actively seek a new solution asking myself the question of how to provide two services I was previously (more or less) getting from this provider: Backups Synchronization between several machines (several PC and several iPhone) CrashPlan easily provided the backup feature despite…
Default calendar in iOS
When I recently replaced my ageing iPhone, I had to install some applications again and I encountered a little issue: Since I have several calendars all in the same phone (my office Outlook agenda, the personal calendar from Google, and some others), the phone insisted on creating all my new meetings in the wrong calendar.…
How a book was made?
Remember! This was long before the text reading on the screen of your mobile phone. We were using books made out of… paper. I kid you not! Here is how they made books in this long-gone era: YouTube link
Kindle, iPad and paper: A detail comparison
Kindle and iPad are two contenders trying to support the idea of reading on a technology gadget. It is said that this is actually as easy to read as real printed paper. So, Keith Peters tried a comparison of their displays using a microscope. The results are really impressive as you can see in Kindle…