Category: Culture
How do you make a globe
In our short series of “How do you make…”, here is the industrial manuacturing of terrestrial globes How would you do it? The same way as described here? YouTube link Note: I said globe, not blog… 🙂
The nazi time traveller [movie]
This Hungarian short movie is in English. I recommend waiting for the end (after 11 minutes).
Peter Nowacki
Peter’s web site.
Monty Python, free download on YouTube
For sure, YouTube has always been crouded with rip-offs of the Monty Python sketches. Unfortunately, these were both illegal and -in general- of poor quality. The guys from Monty Python decided that enough is enough, and there is now a Monty Python channel/group on YouTube where you can see excellent quality videos of their Monty…
Cut-away illustrations
This technique is used to demonstrate clearly the operation of a technical product by showing it as if parts were cut away to reveal the internals. This leads to quite a large choice of nice drawings. I collected some of them for your pleasure. They can be gorgeous when the graphic designer is a real…
Random cooking may be best
It depends on the cook, but if you have real difficulties with your own cooking style, you may find an excuse. Next time you fail, just say “Oh! I was trying one of random recipes“. JamesOff is a systems engineer in the South West of England who created a Random Recipe Generator. Merely reload…
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Article 1 All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. … The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1948 at Palais de…
Stacey Whaley, fractals
Stacey Whaley is a painter using the most modern tools available and depending heavily on the mathematical principles of fractals (those graphical figures that tend to repeat themselves at different scales when you zoom in or zoom out). In most cases, when people follow this path, the result is quite predictable and there are a…