Category: Culture
Stop-motion pig and wolf
This is so nice: A Stop-motion video that is very well done, funny. YouTube link
Aztec human sacrifice and cannibalism
An advanced civilisation if there was one, Aztecs lived in Central America from IXth Century to XVth Century (when their decline was essentially precipitated by their encounter with the Spanish conquistadores). Many facets of this civilisation stay unknown principally because they were wiped out wy the first European colonizers. But one aspect stayed deep in…
Do you love chocolate?
…up to the point of creating a chocolate-inspired video? …or up to the point of sacrificing chocolate for the sake of pure art? YouTube link No fish for 1st of April! These are bunnies.
Free movies (many)
We all love when things come free to us. Here I found a treasure trove of movies that are free to download. Legally. Thanks to the Canadians of the National Film Board of Canada. They give us feature-length movies, documentaries, animated short movies. Everything, of the best quality, at the best price: Free.
Live dinosaurs? You’re kidding me?
If you want to meet dinosaurs, not only paintings or sculptures, go to the USA, fly to Los Angeles, California. There, in the Los Angeles Natural History Museum, there are free-roaming dinosaurs in the corridors. Not only are these automatons sized impressively, but they intereact with people and kids around them. Woah! Stunning! YouTube link
News reaches a British sub and a French sub regardnig the satellite collision last week. *Snort* American and Russian dorks. I nearly rolled on the floor laughing with this one. But, generally speaking, is one hell of a good comics web site.
Beautiful parrots
Thanks to BibliOdyssey again, we can see magnificent reproductions of XIXth Century engravings of parrots, maccaws and other Psittacidae birds. But there are also interesting modern parrots. Go and watch the videos and photos from the Perroquet project from fashion photographer Sølve Sundsbø. Did I say impressive?
Underwater movies
I recently met a couple of fine underwater movies. One shows a dive to find a nautilus at great depths; The second shows a phosphorescent amalgam of abyss animals. Always a source of great surprises. YouTube link YouTube link