Category: Buy a D-SLR

  • Sony D-SLR, don’t hold your breath!

    Sony D-SLR, don’t hold your breath!

    The comments reported by are really worrying for the future of the existing Digital Single Lens Reflex (D-SLR) Konica-Minolta line. It appears that Sony thinks that they should move from the existing KM products toward a more Sony RD1-type of cameras. It seems to announce replacement of mechanical parts by electronic solutions (you can…

  • Minolta compatibility

    For all those who wonder about the compatibility of Minolta lenses and accessories bought before the move to digital technology with the recent Konica-Minolta Digital SLR (Dynax 7D and Dynax 5D), I can give some bits of advice that may be useful before buying a body from Konica-Minolta. First, the Minolta lenses seem to have…

  • Dimage viewer crashing: one possible explanation

    Dimage viewer crashing: one possible explanation

    Long ago, I have abandonned Dimage Viewer, the free image viewer coming with the Maxxum/Dynax 5D and 7D. At first, I thought that it was not really compatible with my old Windows 98 configuration. It kept crashing unexplicably and I was really fed up with the thing. As it was mostly uninteresting, I switched to…

  • Choosing a D-SLR

    Up to the first weeks of 2006, the information about choosing a Digital Single Lens Reflex where stored in a separate page. You can still access it.