Category: Digital photography

  • Grey Heron – Your choice

    Grey Heron – Your choice

    Honestly, for this back-lit photograph of a grey heron, I am not sure which is the best result. I first tried with a color picture which is best to show the white aura of the hard sun. then I tried the same in black and white with a significant effort to select the right hues…

  • Dragonflies – in Botswana

    Dragonflies – in Botswana

    It has now become clear that anywhere I go on a photo trip (since Nepal a few years ago), I find the time to shoot the portrait of a few local dragonflies. This is an insect relatively easy to photograph because it is not very easily frightened and it will come back immediately to the…

  • African elephants bathing in the sunset

    African elephants bathing in the sunset

    Botswana, October 2011.

  • Tree squirrel

    Tree squirrel

    Tree squirrel (Paraxerus cepapi, Écureuil des bois) Botswana, October 2011.

  • African Darter

    African Darter

    African Darter (Anhinga rufa, Anhinga d’Afrique) Botswana, October 2011.

  • Vultures in Botswana

    Vultures in Botswana

    Hooded Vulture (Necrosyrtes monachus, Vautour charognard) White-backed Vulture (Gyps africanus, Vautour africain) Botswana, October 2011.

  • Crocodile – Botswana

    Crocodile – Botswana

    Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus, Crocodile du Nil). Botswana, October 2011.

  • Wood Sandpiper

    Wood Sandpiper

    Wood Sandpiper (Tringa glareola, Chevalier sylvain) Botswana, October 2011.

  • Botswana bee-eaters

    Botswana bee-eaters

    Wonderfully beautiful birds found nearly everywhere in Southern Africa. Carmine bee eater (Merops nubicoides, Guêpier carmin). Botswana, October 2011. White-fronted bee eater (Merops nubicoides, Guêpier à front blanc). Botswana, October 2011. Click on the thumbnails to open larger pictures.