Category: Digital photography

  • Great skua

    Great skua

    Great skua, Grand Labbe (Stercorarius skua, previously Catharacta skua)Falkland Islands, November 2019.

  • Commerson’s dolphin

    Commerson’s dolphin

    Lovely dolphin also named  jacobita, skunk dolphin, piebald dolphin or panda dolphin. If you want to photograph Commerson’s dolphin, you’d better be lucky and – more importantly – be in a high location overlooking the waves. This was the case for me at Saunders Island. Commerson’s dolphin, Dauphin de Commerson (Cephalorhynchus commersonii)Falkland Islands, November 2019.

  • Black-throated (canary-winged) finch

    Black-throated (canary-winged) finch

    Black-throated (canary-winged) finch, Diamant à bavette (Poephila cincta)Falkland Islands, November 2019.

  • Black-crowned night heron

    Black-crowned night heron

    Black-crowned night heron, Bihoreau gris (Nycticorax nycticorax)Falkland Islands, November 2019.

  • White-rumped sandpiper

    White-rumped sandpiper

    White-rumped sandpiper, Bécasseau à croupion blanc (Calidris fuscicollis)Falkland Islands, November 2019.

  • Turkey vulture

    Turkey vulture

    This small vulture is very charateristic and can be easily found in most of South America. Turkey vulture, Urubu à tête rouge (Cathartes aura)Falkland Islands, November 2019.

  • South American Snipe

    South American Snipe

    South American Snipe, Bécassine de Magellan (Gallinago paraguaiae)Falkland Islands, November 2019.

  • Cobb’s wren

    Cobb’s wren

    Cobb’s wren, Troglodyte de Cobb (Troglodytes cobbi)Falkland Islands, November 2019.

  • Long-tailed meadowlark

    Long-tailed meadowlark

    Long-tailed meadowlark, Sturnelle australe (Sturnella loyca)Falkland Islands, November 2019.