Category: Digital photography

  • Lithium batteries in planes – Sequel

    It’s even more complex than I thought initially. It’s not that you cannot put Lithium batteries in your hand luggage if you fly by plane starting 1st of January, 2008. It’s quite the opposite: They don’t want your spare batteries in checked luggage. “Spare batteries” means batteries that are not attached to a device (camera,…

  • Flight of great egrets

    Flight of great egrets

    Click on the thumbnail image to enlarge it Great egret (Ardea alba, Grande aigrette). Brazil, 2007.

  • White-headed Marsh-Tyrant (Brazil)

    White-headed Marsh-Tyrant (Brazil)

    Click on the thumbnail image to enlarge it White-headed Marsh-Tyrant (Arundinicola leucocephala, Moucherolle à tête blanche). Shot in Brazil, 2007.

  • TSA: batteries are weapons prohibited in planes

    Here we are! Transport regulation authorities added the Lithium batteries to the list of banned objects in carry-on luggage in planes. Of course, Lithium batteries can explode. But they took the additional step of prohibiting them when they are out of the device and contain more than 2g of Lithium… Photographers leaving for a long…

  • Questions to ask yourself about a photo

    Questions to ask yourself about a photo

    I find that it is possible to improve yourself by looking at your own pictures like any outside critic would. For this, because it is often hard to make this schizophrenic move, I developped a number of questions I ask myself when I look at my own photos. While some questions can (and should) be…

  • Butterfly and caterpillar

    Butterfly and caterpillar

    Leucadia longwing (Heliconius Leucadia, H.W. Bates 1862) Unidentified caterpillar Click on the thumbnail images to enlarge them

  • Photographers


    Click on the thumbnail image to enlarge it Don’t you wonder how the small bird did not fly away?

  • Black-collared Hawk

    Black-collared Hawk

    Click on the thumbnail images to enlarge them Black-collared Hawk (Busarellus nigricollis, Buse à tête blanche).

  • Limpkin in Pantanal, Brazil

    Limpkin in Pantanal, Brazil

    Click on the thumbnail image to enlarge it Limpkin (Aramus guarauna, Courlan brun). Shot in Brazil, October 2007.