Category: Photo safari

  • Why did my colleagues help me?

    Why did my colleagues help me?

    I am leaving France for a photo trip to Nepal. Why did my colleagues pay a part of that trip?

  • Roe deers in the ferns

    Roe deers in the ferns

    Met in the forest of Rambouillet (near Paris, but more precisely in the fern land at the end of the Espace Rambouillet of Office National des Forêts), two roe deers that were stuck in the sights of two camouflaged wildlife photographers.

  • The map of my trips

    Nairobi, Kenya Rangiroa, Polynésie française Biarritz, France Lourdes, France Paris, France Rambouillet, France Saint-Jean-de-Luz, France Johannesburg, Afrique du Sud Bilbao, Espagne Grenade, Espagne Madrid, Espagne Séville, Espagne Manchester, UK Dublin, Irlande Galway, Irlande Cuiaba, Brésil Tefe, Brésil New York, État de New York, États-Unis San Francisco, Californie, États-Unis Voir mon profil Créez votre propre carte…

  • Bought a new lens converter

    Bought a new lens converter

    I’m just out of eBay where I bought a second-hand Minolta 1.4x lens converter to extend a little my tele-lenses when I put them on my Sony Alpha 700 and the old faithful Konica-Minolta Dynax Maxxum 7D. I think it is going to support me when I go to Nepal (Bardia National Park) in next…

  • Encounter with a wild cat in Kenya

    Encounter with a wild cat in Kenya

    I have been publishing some photos from my travel to Kenya last October, but it became apparent to me that I had forgotten to present the photos I took during a short encounter with a serval (Leptailurus serval, previously Felis serval, pronounced /ˈsɜrvəl/) which is a relatively large-size African wild cat. Amazingly beautiful, it is…

  • Kenya safari, visa fees in dollars only

    You wanted to go to Kenya for a safari or a photo safari (this will quickly become very fashionable, thanks to the latest Disney movie, “The crimson wings” whose location is Kenyan Tanzanian lake Natron)? You wanted to get your visa in the Nairobi airport after landing (this is much easier than queuing at the…

  • Monitor lizard

    Monitor lizard

    Masai Mara, Kenya, September 2008.

  • Giraffes from Kenya

    Giraffes from Kenya

    Young males tend to fight together useful wide head moves. Here are a few giraffes suddenly met while in the middle of a personal fight. Wide slow motion, violent collisions, elegance of the very dynamic exchanges. Click on the thumbnails to enlarge them

  • Camouflage in nature

    Camouflage in nature

    A very nice set of camouflaged animals. Source: Daily Mail.