Category: Use your D-SLR

  • LCD color calibration

    I recently installed on my main Windows-PC computer a (rather old) LCD display from Hyundai: ImageQuest Q17. I wanted to improve significantly the correct color calibration. Fortunately, I could get a Pantone ColorVision SpyderPro for the weekend. It was only a matter of minutes to setup the sensor and run the calibration process. Everything goes…

  • Lunar eclipse, visible in Europe

    Lunar eclipse, visible in Europe

    If you are in Europe, you are lucky. A full Lunar eclipse is happening on 3rd March 2007 (it’s not that uncommon because the Earth planet is big and near the Moon, so it hides the Sun quite often). The peak of the eclipse will be at: Paris: 4th March, 00:20 London: 3rd March, 23:20…

  • CompactDrive PD70X, latest news

    For me, the CompactDrive PD70X is still a marvellous machine when you want to copy your flash memory cards onto portable hard disc storage. It still owns the speed record and it behaves like a camel when it comes to electric energy. Today, I learned a few interesting informations that I want to share with…

  • Nikon digital cameras hands-on comparison of frames per second

    Sometimes, it is a bit difficult to identify the difference between two digital cameras. But, when it comes to fast mechanics, it is easy to hear and see the difference between an entry-level amateur camera like the Nikon D70 or D80 and the professional camera of a Nikon D2X. Just look for yourself. Thanks to…

  • Panoramic photos from the world

    More and more, photography amateurs are attracted toward panoramic images and photos. Virtual Sweeden is a web site showing a large number of the highest quality. I particularly recommend the following ones: Le Louvre Museum 360° Rome’s St Peters basilica 360°

  • Supersize your images

    If you ever dreamed of printing images in much larger size than what your personal printer allows (let’s say 3′ by 6′), you have either to buy a very expensive printer or use a very expensive photo printing service. You see the common words here: very expensive. The Rasterbator creates huge, rasterized images from any…

  • CD-R/DVD-R reliability

    The questions Many people are using optical media for their archival needs. They are very affordable and the manufacturers claim a storage life of more than ten years, often a century. However, when such claims are made people are always interested in ensuring that the figures are right and provable (archive management cannot accept to…

  • Best posts of 2006

    It is now the time to look back at the year 2006 and to check what you really liked in the web site. So, here are the posts viewed the most in the past year. Is it a surprise? Canon 40D crushes 30D prices, at least, that was the rumour. But the prices went…

  • Hoya absorbs Pentax

    Hoya and Pentax just announced that they reached an agreement on a merger between both companies that would result in the absorption of Pentax into the major glass manufacturer. Pentax shares will be exchanged against Hoya shares; Management will be shared between top brass coming from both companies. The good news is that, even if…