Category: Birds
Bird photos from Juza
Hey! I like good wild life photos. Juza has more than a trick in his bag to bring great images of some of the nicest European birds. So, do like me and go visit Copyright Juza
2007 images of the Denis-Huot
Back from safari, I went and checked the web site of Michel & Christine Denis-Huot. Some new images from 2007. Most have been there already for some time. But this is regularly updated. Copyright 2007 M&C Denis-Huot
Life is hard for insects too
Life is a competition: Eat or be eaten. This happens to insects on the neck of a giraffe, too. Insect, bird and giraffe(Click on the thumbnails to see the larger image)
Birds of South Africa
God created Africa with a billion birds. So, a photo safari specializing into leopards will naturally stop to shoot images of a vulture, an eagle, or -more discreet- a roller: Pied Kingfisher Woodpecker in black & white African Hoopoe Lilac-breasted roller Lilac-breasted roller Some glossy starling I could not identify precisely(Rueppell’s Glossy-Starling?) Lappet-faced vulture Brown…
South Africa: Big birds
South Africa is the country of the big five. But, they also have pretty big birds. Some of them are here. Various vultures (lappet-faced vulture, white-backed vulture, hooded vulture) Lappet-faced Vultures Fishing eagle(Click on the thumbnails to see the larger image) If you can help me identify them precisely, I’d appreciate your help in the…
Deers in Rambouillet
On Sunday, I took advantage of the extraordinarily warm weather and the re-opening of the Espace Rambouillet since 1st of February, to do a little European safari. The park of the Espace Rambouillet is hosting a few fallow deers ; they are speciallly fearful, so I wanted to use the probably limited number of visitors…
Penguins on YouTube
A nice little video about penguins, found on YouTube:Â The next one, titled “Do penguins fly?“, is a special offer for photo amateurs. Wildlife photo may be difficult in some cases:
Photo deer hunting during the rutting season
Click on the thumbnail to enlarge the image. Maybe you thought this deer was belling in rut; But no! He’s just bored to death during a photo session near the park border and he’s merely yawning. Some of you may have noticed the lack of updates in the recent days. Apart from some personal unforecasted…
Images of the day – Visit to the park
Today, I took a few hours to test my new tele-lens Minolta 300mm f/4. Those few images were taken in the Park of the Castle of Grouchy in the middle of the day while I was looking for little birds (I never caught): Finally, here are some very static images from the underbrush.