Category: Birds
Common Eider
The “duck” that is still brought up to collect its exceptionnally soft down, still used today for garments and beddings for the coldest nights. Common Eider, Eider à duvet (Somateria mollissima)Scotland, May 2018.
European shag
Not as large as the Great cormorant, but much more elegant and nicer. You will admire its black face illuminated by the yellow beak base and the green eye. European shag, Cormoran huppé (Phalacrocorax aristotelis)Scotland, May 2018.
Glaucous Gull
Glaucous Gull, Goéland bourgmestre (Larus hyperboreus)Scotland, May 2018.
Common Murre
A quite large auk (so, a relative of the razorbill), the murre or the common guillemot is quite easy to find if you accept to visit the circumpolar regions (near the North Pole). Stylish and always elegant in its black tuxedo (an eternal sign of distinction as can be confirmed by James Bond). Common Murre…
Pheasants from Scottish country fields
Three common pheasants (including one female) and one male green pheasant. Common pheasant, Faisan de Colchide (Phasianus colchicus)Green pheasant, Faisan versicolore (Phasianus versicolor)Scotland, May 2018.
Mule swan
The white bird from fairy tales… Mule swan, Cygne tuberculé (Cygnus olor)Scotland, May 2018.
Common starling
From afar, it is easy to ignore the starling because of its dull speckled feathers. Nearer (if you can), you’ll notice that the colors of its plumage are worth the efforts not to frighten it. Common starling, Étourneau sansonnet (Sturnus vulgaris)Scotland, May 2018.
Eurasian Blue Tit
Eurasian Blue Tit, Mésange bleue (Cyanistes caeruleus)Scotland, May 2018.
Tufted Duck
Tufted Duck, Fuligule morillon (Aythya fuligula)Scotland, May 2018.