Category: Wildlife photo

  • Crested caracara

    Crested caracara

    Crested caracara, Caracara huppé ou Caracara à crête (Caracara plancus)Falkland Islands, November 2019.

  • Flightless steamer duck

    Flightless steamer duck

    Flightless steamer duck, Brassemer cendré (Tachyeres pteneres)Falkland Islands, November 2019.

  • Patagonian crested duck

    Patagonian crested duck

    Patagonian crested duck, Canard huppé (Lophonetta specularioides specularioides)Falkland Islands, November 2019.

  • Walrus – Wrangel Island

    Walrus – Wrangel Island

    I have a soft spot for these animals most people find ugly and wide-eyed. But despite their obese weight, they can be attentive and shy, contradicting their imprecise moves. Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus), morse.Wrangel Island, Russia.August 2018.

  • Killer whale – Wrangel Island

    Killer whale – Wrangel Island

    A beautiful killer whale spotted from the boat, while cruising far from the coast. Orca, or killer whale (Orcinus orca), orque, ou épaulard.Wrangel Island, Russia.August 2018.

  • Polar bears of Wrangel Island

    Polar bears of Wrangel Island

    When you want to see polar bears in the wild, there is a name that keeps popping up: Wrangel Island. It is quite famous for having the highest density of bear dens where female congregate to give birth to polar cubs in December. It is definitely difficult to reach (less than 6 expeditions are reaching…

  • Snowy owl – Wrangel Island

    Snowy owl – Wrangel Island

    A shy bird. Long distances. Somewhat insufficient light. A couple of nice shots. Snowy owl (Bubo scandiacus), Harfang des neiges.Wrangel Island, Russia.August 2018.

  • Ground squirrels – Wrangel Island

    Ground squirrels – Wrangel Island

    A few rodents from the Sciuridae family, very similar to tree squirrels and marmots. Ground squirrels (Sciuridae family), marmottins.Wrangel Island, Russia.August 2018.

  • Breaching humpback whales – Wrangel Island

    Breaching humpback whales – Wrangel Island

    The whale whose song is so elaborate, the humpback whale, is the easiest to observe in the cold waters of North-Eastern Russia (it lives in all oceans and seas of the world). It is quite easy to approach humpbacks, which makes them a nice and easy subject for wildlife photography. But we were very lucky…