Category: Wildlife photo
Pelagic cormorant – Wrangel Island
Pelagic cormorant (Phalacrocorax pelagicus), Cormoran pélagique.Wrangel Island, Russia.August 2018.
Gray whales – Wrangel Island
Gray whales have been hunted to extermination in the Atlantic Ocean. But you can still find some in the Pacific Ocean (and the Behring Straits). These very quiet monsters may even jump out of the water (Is it a game? Is it communication? Nobody really knows). Gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus), Baleine grise.Wrangel Island, Russia.August 2018.
Dunlin – Wrangel Island
Dunlin (Calidris alpina), bécasseau variable.Wrangel Island, Russia.August 2018.
Black-legged kittiwake – Wrangel Island
Kittiwakes always stay out at sea, and only approach coasts for breeding. There, in large colonies perched in high cliffs, they will be recognizable to their constant noisy calls. Black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla), mouette tridactyle.Wrangel Island, Russia.August 2018.
Birth of sea horses
I never saw that before:
Arctic foxes aren’t white
Who would not admire the stunningly white fur of those arctic foxes you see in the BBC documentary films? But this species is not systematically white. However, all of these foxes are remarkably agile and active. Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus), renard arctique.Wrangel Island, Russia.August 2018.
Artic flowers – Wrangel Island
Summer is a short season when plants need to hurry and flower.
Wrangel Island – Beluga whales
Belugas are not too difficult to find (much less than the elusive narwhal). But, like all whales, they are often hard to catch in action. Here, a group of the white whales was hunting slamon. The grey one is just a young which did not yet grow its porcelain-colored skin. Beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas), Béluga, ou…
Photographing the human-animal conflict in Africa
Too many people still believe that the main cause of wildlife disappearance in Africa is poaching. But, in many countries (when they are sensitive to the issue, like in Eastern or Southern Africa), poaching has receeded significantly or even nearly dispapeared. And this is the continuous human expansion which become the engine driving wildlife extinction:…