Category: Wildlife photo
Next time I dive, I want to meet this shark
Let’s admit that it won’t be easy to see such a whale shark baby playing (or discovering how to play) with the bubbles produced by scuba divers. So cute a baby! Source: Requin-Blanc.
Eagles in Yellowstone (Winter)
Birds, squirrel, pine marter
Winter landscapes in Yellowstone
American buffalo (bison, bison) Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA, March 2018.
Coyotes from a great distance – Yellowstone
American coyote (Canis latrans, coyote) Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA, March 2018.
Grey wolves – Yellowstone
Grey wolves are present in the Yellowstone National Park. But they are hard to come by and they do not often come near roads. Mostly, you may see then several hundrd yards from you. Let’s say one or two miles from the road… Grey wolf (Canis lupus, loup gris) Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA, March…
Big fauna in Winter – Yellowstone
Birds, squirrel, pine marter
Coyotes in Winter – Yellowstone
American coyote (Canis latrans, coyote) Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA, March 2018.
Small fauna in Winter – Yellowstone
Birds, squirrel, pine marter
Buffalos in Winter – Yellowstone
American buffalo (bison, bison) Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA, March 2018.