Category: Wildlife photo

  • Rock hyrax

    Rock hyrax

    Did you know that the hyrax is considered as, genetically, the nearest parent to the elephants? One big elephant being a cousin of an animal just a little bigger than a mouse… Rock hyrax (Procavia capensis, Daman des rochers or daman du Cap) Seronera, Serengeti National Park, Tanzania, March 2013

  • An elephant is going away

    An elephant is going away

  • Cheetahs


    Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus, guépard) Ndutu Lake, Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania

  • Cheetahs


    Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus), guépard. Ndutu Lake, Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania, March 2013.

  • Gnu landscape

    Gnu landscape

    The wildebeest, also called the gnu is an antelope of the genus Connochaetes. If it looks dumb, it’s because it is: After all, this is only food-on-legs for the big cats of the savanna. Much more than a million of them are traveling all year long in the Great Migration that is bringing them through…

  • Zebras


    Zebras Zebras Zebras Is it acceptable to say that zebras are very decorative? Maybe not, but I still think that they look good in the landscape. They even look good to support other animals in beautiful photos.

  • Tawny Eagle, in flight

    Tawny Eagle, in flight

    Tawny eagle Tawny eagle (Aquila rapax, aigle ravisseur) Tanzania, Ngorongoro crater & Conservancy Area, March 2013.

  • Kori Bustard

    Kori Bustard

    The Kori Bustard is famous for being the largest flying bird. It’s true that it is seen flying only on quite rare occasions (I saw its flight only once in Botswana and for a few hundred meters of distance), but this is still a magnificent bird with a rather weird appearance. Kori Bustard (Ardeotis kori,…

  • Lionness


    Female lion, drinking Lion (Panthera leo, lion). Tanzania, Seronera, Serengeti National Park, March 2013.