Category: Wildlife photo
Rhinos fly the chopper
The WWF has a wide Black Rhino Range Expansion Project which is trying to ensure a better future for the Black Rhinoceros species. They are under a severe threat because their horn is considered as the source of a powerful medicinal drug in several cultures. The black rhino is protected and poaching is slowly reducing…
Goodbye Botswana!
Impalas. Botswana, octobre 2011.
Lilac-breasted Roller
Lilac-breasted Roller (Coracias caudata, Rollier à longs brins). Botswana, October 2011.
Black Crake
Very timid, this little bird decided to let us shoot pictures after several unsuccessful attempts. Black Crake (Amaurornis flavirostra, Râle à bec jaune). Botswana, October 2011.
Lions of Botswana
Botswana, October 2011.
Jacana, ducks and water lily
African Jacana (Actophilornis africanus, Jacana à poitrine dorée). White-faced Whistling Duck (Dendrocygna viduata, Dendrocygne veuf). Water lily (Nymphaeaceae). Botswana, ocotobre 2011.
Botswana, October 2011.
Three elephants
Vultures in the sunset
Botswana, October 2011.