Category: Wildlife photo

  • Svalbard: A seal

    Svalbard: A seal

    It was a long time in coming, would say some of the obsevrers here. Here come some photos brought back from a wildlife destination much colder than my usual travels of the past. No big cat in the icy Svalbard archipelago. It was in June this year (2013) that I traveled to Spitzberg while the…

  • Lappet-faced Vulture, in flight

    Lappet-faced Vulture, in flight

    Lappet-faced Vulture (Torgos tracheliotos, anciennement Torgos tracheliotus, Vautour oricou). Tanzania, Ngorongoro Conservancy Area, March 2013.

  • Changeable Hawk-Eagle

    Changeable Hawk-Eagle

    Changeable Hawk-Eagle (Nisaetus cirrhatus, Aigle huppé). Tanzania, Ngorongoro Conservancy Area, March 2013.

  • Gnus


  • Kori Bustard

    Kori Bustard

    Quite unusual I’m said, this Kori bustard was parading for a partner. The bird already big (the Kori bustard is the largest flying bird), but during this display it is pushing its tail up and enlarging its neck to very large proportions. Amazing and beautiful. Kori Bustard (Ardeotis kori, Outarde Kori). Tanzania, Ngorongoro Conservancy Area,…

  • Secretary birds

    Secretary birds

    Secretary bird (Sagittarius serpentarius, Serpentaire). Tanzania, Ngorongoro Conservancy Area, March 2013.