Category: Wildlife photo
Impala portraits
For the next picture, I am happy to have found a way to catch the eye of the impala female which was leaving the place, and you will notice the ears turned back toward us (to keep listening to the possible danger even when walking away):
Squirrel in Botswana
Little squirrel! You will not hide from me and my big camera! Botswana, May 2010.
Botswana, May 2010.
The future of Natal/Kinect
You know! Kinect is the new name of the Microsoft technology that allows you to completely forget about keyboard, joysticks, game pads and all that. You move in front of the camera and the stuff does its stuff. Previously, it was known as Project Natal. Today, I found this great cartoon from Ctrl+Alt+Del by Tim…
Bateleur Eagles, in flight
Botswana, May 2010.
A chance encounter on the trunk of a dead tree, with mongooses. Always on the move, exploring around. Savuti National Park, Bostwana, Mai 2010.
Red-billed hornbill
Yet another common bird in Botswana. Calao à bec rouge (Tockus erythrorhynchus), Red-billed Hornbill. Savuti National Park, Botswana, May 2010.
Southern yellow-billed hornbill
A most common bird all over Botswana. Southern yellow-billed hornbill (Tockus flavirostris), Calao à bec jaune Botswana, Savuti National Park, May 2010.