Category: Wildlife photo

  • I have a horse dream

    YouTube link If you want to know more, you can even buy those horse legs.

  • Fly like an eagle

    …but I couldn’t fly. Jose Luis Ortiz has changed it all. He installed a small video camera on one of his royal eagles. Link to YouTube And now, you and me can fly, really fly. Breath-taking! Boarding a plane became so down-to-Earth. I now want to have wings, I want to fly like an eagle…

  • Encounter with a wild cat in Kenya

    Encounter with a wild cat in Kenya

    I have been publishing some photos from my travel to Kenya last October, but it became apparent to me that I had forgotten to present the photos I took during a short encounter with a serval (Leptailurus serval, previously Felis serval, pronounced /ˈsɜrvəl/) which is a relatively large-size African wild cat. Amazingly beautiful, it is…

  • It’s smarter to travel in groups

    YouTube link

  • Aztec human sacrifice and cannibalism

    Aztec human sacrifice and cannibalism

    An advanced civilisation if there was one, Aztecs lived in Central America from IXth Century to XVth Century (when their decline was essentially precipitated by their encounter with the Spanish conquistadores). Many facets of this civilisation stay unknown principally because they were wiped out wy the first European colonizers. But one aspect stayed deep in…

  • Do you love chocolate?

    …up to the point of creating a chocolate-inspired video? …or up to the point of sacrificing chocolate for the sake of pure art? YouTube link No fish for 1st of April! These are bunnies.

  • Best shorts

    Link love Those are the best links I found recently. I could not write a full post about them, but they are worth visiting: launches a web-based free word processor (via Download Squad) Histoface: How to hide an image in the histogram of another image Safer Code – Secure Coding In C \ C++…

  • Live dinosaurs? You’re kidding me?

    If you want to meet dinosaurs, not only paintings or sculptures, go to the USA, fly to Los Angeles, California. There, in the Los Angeles Natural History Museum, there are free-roaming dinosaurs in the corridors. Not only are these automatons sized impressively, but they intereact with people and kids around them. Woah! Stunning! YouTube link

  • Bird photos in Vincennes

    Bird photos in Vincennes

    Ten days ago, I went walking in the bois de Vincennes, near Paris, my photo camera in hand in the footsteps of Fabrice Hénon who accepted to share some of his informations. I’m back with pictures of Eurasian Jay and common kestrel. All the photos are on : Eurasian Jay Common kestrel