Category: Wildlife photo

  • Roe deers in the ferns

    Roe deers in the ferns

    Met in the forest of Rambouillet (near Paris, but more precisely in the fern land at the end of the Espace Rambouillet of Office National des Forêts), two roe deers that were stuck in the sights of two camouflaged wildlife photographers.

  • The invasion of the Giant Jellyfish

    The invasion of the Giant Jellyfish

    No! This is not the title of Hollywood next horror flick. This is a sad reality around Japan. According to National Geographic, for reasons that are not entirely understood giant jellyfish like the ones photographed below are observed in great quantities. They need to be harvested by boat…

  • Bought a new lens converter

    Bought a new lens converter

    I’m just out of eBay where I bought a second-hand Minolta 1.4x lens converter to extend a little my tele-lenses when I put them on my Sony Alpha 700 and the old faithful Konica-Minolta Dynax Maxxum 7D. I think it is going to support me when I go to Nepal (Bardia National Park) in next…

  • Ukiyo-e books by Kitagawa Utamaro

    Ukiyo-e books by Kitagawa Utamaro

    A friend of mine recently bought a copy of a Japanese wood engraving. While reading this article from BibliOdyssey, about the wood engravings of Kitagawa Utamaro, I thought I should share some of the pictures of this artist.

  • I have a horse dream

    YouTube link If you want to know more, you can even buy those horse legs.

  • Fly like an eagle

    …but I couldn’t fly. Jose Luis Ortiz has changed it all. He installed a small video camera on one of his royal eagles. Link to YouTube And now, you and me can fly, really fly. Breath-taking! Boarding a plane became so down-to-Earth. I now want to have wings, I want to fly like an eagle…

  • Encounter with a wild cat in Kenya

    Encounter with a wild cat in Kenya

    I have been publishing some photos from my travel to Kenya last October, but it became apparent to me that I had forgotten to present the photos I took during a short encounter with a serval (Leptailurus serval, previously Felis serval, pronounced /ˈsɜrvəl/) which is a relatively large-size African wild cat. Amazingly beautiful, it is…

  • It’s smarter to travel in groups

    YouTube link

  • Aztec human sacrifice and cannibalism

    Aztec human sacrifice and cannibalism

    An advanced civilisation if there was one, Aztecs lived in Central America from IXth Century to XVth Century (when their decline was essentially precipitated by their encounter with the Spanish conquistadores). Many facets of this civilisation stay unknown principally because they were wiped out wy the first European colonizers. But one aspect stayed deep in…