Category: Wildlife photo
Giraffes from Kenya
Young males tend to fight together useful wide head moves. Here are a few giraffes suddenly met while in the middle of a personal fight. Wide slow motion, violent collisions, elegance of the very dynamic exchanges. Click on the thumbnails to enlarge them
Camouflage in nature
A very nice set of camouflaged animals. Source: Daily Mail.
A few baboons walking down a Kenyan road. Click on the thumbnails to enlarge them Guinea Baboon (Papio papio, Babouin de Guinée, Papión de Guinea), Masai Mara, Kenya, September 2008.
Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius, Hippopotame, hipopótamo común). Masai Mara, Kenya, September 2008.
Leopard, food storage in a tree
Leopard is a big cat special because it protects its largest preys (those which will make more than a single lunch) by dragging them away and up into a tree. It can take its own weight (or a little more) up to a high branch where no hyena would be able to steal it. It…
Lion’s lunch
This lion is also eating a gnu. You will easily notice that flies are a very common insect around big cats. No, these are not black defects on the image. Click on the thumbnails to enlarge them Lion (Panthera leo, Lion, León), Masai Mara, Kenya, September 2008.
The lionness lunch
Found in the morning, this lionness had just kill a gnu (wildebeest). After eating most of it, she actually tried to hide the carcass in order to avoid seeing it stolen by others (hyenas or vultures, for example). Click on the thumbnails to enlarge them Lion (Panthera leo, Lion, León), Masai Mara, Kenya, September 2008.
Hyena after lunch
In the coming days, I will post a number of images taken in Masai Mara National Park, Kenya, of various carnivore animals after or during lunch. Beware, it may be a little more disturbing than most subjects, for sensitive or young people. However, this is routine observation in the wild: Big cats are nice but…
Big cats images on my new web site
If you are interested, you can find some of my images about big cats (lions, leopards, cheetahs) on my new web site As you certainly have noticed, some of these images come from my recent trip to Kenya (Masai Mara).