Category: Wildlife photo
Lion portraits
I published a few shots of lions. Portraits taken in the Masai Mara park (Kenya). My prefered is the following one: If you click on the thumbnail image, you will enlarge it. And you may notice that the photographer (and its car) are appearing in the eye of the lion. 😉 But there are several…
Don’t confuse buffalos with landing strips!
You should think that most cattle birds never heard about this injunction. They use African Buffalos as landing strips and these big cows as as source of food while they remove the parasites from their skin. African Buffalos (nearly) without birds Buffalos and birds Here, we see a fast airplane in final approach, or is…
Helmeted Guineafowl
Splendid representant of the guineafowl bird family, Numididae, a brightly colored bird with a bare head, can be found all around the Masai Mara National Park. Unfortunately, it is always running out of the path of the photographer. Helmeted Guineafowl (Numida meleagris, Pintade de Numidie). Kenya, September 2008.
One photo, three images
Here is an interesting case (I think) of how I work on the photos I shot. Usually, I think of it as development of the digital image. Like for its argentic/analog counter-part, I have to work a little on the image to make it printable, but I also have to prepare a correct framing of…
Baby elephant
Random encounter, a baby elephant, probably only two- or three-week old. This is merely the beginning of the publication of photos I shot in the Masai Mara National Reserve (Kenya) during a photo safari leaded by Alain Pons, French wildlife photographer. You can expect a long string of images since I found quite a number…
Back from Masai Mara
After about 10 days out of France, I am back from the Masai Mara National Reserve (in Kenya). I brought back about 30 GB of wildlife photos (around 1700-1800 images) to be sorted out in the coming days. You can expect series of published images here on a regular basis.
Kenya in photo safari
You will probably notice a little slow down in publication of posts here in the coming days: I am travelling for a few days to Kenya in order to shoot photos in the Masai Mara National Park during the great migration of herbivores (wildebeests and zebras, mostly). I will be there with Alain Pons, wildlife…
Canon EF 100-400 f/4-5.6L IS II
After some interesting comments seen about the age of the current EF 100-400 f/4-5.6L IS tele-zoom from Canon (for example, in the recent test done by Chasseur d’Images), there is now an active rumour about the arrival of a real replacement. The Canon EF 100-400 f/4-5.6L IS II would no longer be a push-pull design…