Category: Wildlife photo
Super-tele-lens at Sony
We were waiting for it, we were speaking about it, we were murmuring. Here it comes. Sony just let some information leak about their new super-tele-lens to complete an already rather rich list of good quality lenses: The Sony 70-400mm f/4-5.6 G SSM is described in the PDF documentation of the Sony 70-300mm f/4-5.6 G…
Landscape photograph lesson in Zion National Park
Autumn in the Utah, Zion National Park: A great location for photo and landscape photo lessons from Brett Higgins. Video link
Cute, but risky
Unknown author.
Sudden drop of minke whale populations
A scientific study coming from Iceland suggest that in the recent years the minke whale population suddenly dropped from 45000 in 2001 to less than 15000 last year. This is a enormous change that is not yet explained for a small whale that was more or less protected by its smaller size (big whales bring…
Cats from Aube Nature is a web site I tend to track nearly continuously because Cédric Girard tends to write interesting posts about nature photography. But I also caught a few posts with nice images of cats This goes farther than the usual “nice companion” photos. I recommend heartily to check regularly
A lion without travelling to Africa
Even better than going to Africa, you can have your own lion pet, cute lion cub at home. Furry and reacting to its environment, this is really a cool robot toy. £49.95 (about $100 USD or 75€) in pre-order.
Unusual felines
Some of our pets can become heroes or -at least- be more unusual than we would think. The Pet Blog collected a series of astonishing histories about cats high moments, like: Oscar a.k.a. “Unsinkable Sam” Simon, of the Royal Navy The Alamo Cat Fred, the undercover secret agent Tama, train station master Source: The Pet…
Cheetah mother with 6 cubs
Did you ever see cheetah cubs? Here are six of them in one single video. video link
Macrophoto and bird
I assume that the lens choice was not the right one. Unfortunately, I could not find the author of this image.