Category: Wildlife photo

  • Near the end of whaling?

    This is the question or the hope that we can have after the opening of a legal investigation in Japan. A public prosecutor announced on last 19th of May that he decided to explore the observed operations of sale of whale meat to restaurants. Greenpeace actively participates and there are many people hoping this to…

  • Japan: Whaling for research purposes

    Japan: Whaling for research purposes

  • Jaguar Research Center

    Jaguar Research Center

    I recently noticed (in the ads appearing in my web site; some are quite good) the web site of the Jaguar Research Center. I went in October 2007 to Brazil, in Pantanal, at the heart of the Jaguar Research Center. So, I wanted to give a small feedback about this experience. This is certainly the…

  • Buy my photos

    Buy my photos

    You can now start buying some of my photos at RedBubble. I sent them a few original artworks and it gives you access to some products like: Cards, Matted Prints, Laminated Prints, Mounted Prints, Canvas Prints, Framed Prints Buy my photos at RedBubble

  • Nice handling of plane bags

    Here is a startling idea to ensure that your luggage will not be lost at the airport and will receive real good treatment from the airline personnel (that is a rare condition). Matt Brandon proposes to declare the presence of a starter pistol. Right! you don’t need a permit or a license of any case,…

  • An owl and its prey

    An owl and its prey

    I was unable to identify the author of this very nice picture.

  • Défi pour la Terre

    Défi pour la Terre

    A campaign to protect Earth and save energy by CLM BBDO.

  • Pink flamingo

    Pink flamingo

    Click on the thumbnails image to enlarge them Pink flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber, Flamant rose). Brazil, 2007.

  • Roseate Spoonbill

    Roseate Spoonbill

    Click on the thumbnails image to enlarge them Roseate Spoonbill (Platalea ajaja, Spatule rosée). Brazil, 2007.