Category: Wildlife photo

  • Free nature wallpapers: Sand

    Free nature wallpapers: Sand

    Some abstract images of sand. Shot in Lagoa do Peixe (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) in 2008. To me, they looked a little like some satellite photos of the planet Mars. Click on the thumbnails if you want to access the 1280*1024 versions Those photos can be used freely for your own wallpaper (on your…

  • Halo-inspired Lolcats

    The dreaded fashion of Lolcats has found a new sub-genre with the Halo-inspired Lolcats: Halolcats. The video game, Halo, mixed with Lolcats…

  • Big cats roam free in UK (Really!)

    Big cats roam free in UK (Really!)

    Great Britain does not look like the place to look for big cats, but there are some large felines clearly not indigenous roaming freely in the United Kingdom. It is such a big thing that there is an investigative group collecting evidence about them: panthers, lions, cheetahs in the cold weather of England or Scotland.…

  • Cheetahs and elephants roaming free in USA

    Cheetahs and elephants roaming free in USA

    Yesterday, we were speaking here about prehistoric big cats in places where they disappeared (e.g. Europe). Today, I want to point at a surprising proposal made by Josh Donlan. Recognizing that many big cats were roaming in North America tens of thousands of years ago, he want to re-introduce lions, cheetahs, elephants and other large…

  • Cheetahs, pumas and jaguars of Europe

    Cheetahs, pumas and jaguars of Europe

    Found on Tretrapod Zoology, a series of articles about prehistoric felines among which one can find big cats like lions, pumas, jaguars, cougars, cheetahs or leopards on continents where they totally disappeared later. Europe, where the sabre-tooths, lions and leopards are Pumas of South Africa, cheetahs of France, jaguars of England

  • Florida panther population fell down to 6

    Florida panther population fell down to 6

    The Florida panther or Puma concolor coryi (a subspecies of the cougar or Puma concolor) is critically endangered according to UICM. This beautiful feline is now quite difficult to find with a population on only 100 individuals after the introduction in 1995 of eight female pumas from Texas. Melanie Culver of the University of Arizona…

  • Cute Asiatic lion cub

    Cute Asiatic lion cub

    To start a week of feline news on, I offer you a National Geographic video of a new born asiatic lion is shown in the Japanese zoo of Yokohama.

  • Nature best photographs of 2007

    Nature best photographs of 2007

    See them all at Jürgen FreundOCEANSDwarf Minke WhaleRibbon Reefs, Great Barrier Reef, Australia

  • Peregrine falcons are really fast divers

    YouTube link