Category: Wildlife photo
Kenya safari video
Sharks and other sea jaws
Most people are amazed by the power of the marine predators that are most sharks. While it is often difficult to catch them in the act, there are a few occasions where it is possible to see impressive animals. Recently I found some that I wanted to share with you. Great white sharks feeding on…
Exercise a cheetah
A zoo cheetah cannot be released in the wild if it is not able to hunt. And this is the fastest running hunter – if trained. So, how do you exercise a cheetah in order to prepare it for possible wild life? Video link
Young people for Earth
Thanks to IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) and WWF, the global conservation organization, there is now a new community web site targetting young people of the world willing to have their opinion heard in the upcoming October 2008 World Conservation Congress. Aimed at people aged between 13 and 35, Connect2Earth is collecting the…
Amur Leopard Cub
The Marwell Zoo in Hampshire (United Kingdom) is proud to be the location of birth for a marvelously nice kitten: 14 weeks, already some impressive teeth and not yet a name. It was just a few days ago that the small big cat has been autorized to go out (under the attention of its mother…
Elephants protection in Africa
Elephants are -generally speaking- a species endangered in Africa. They have been vigorously hunted for the ivory of their tusks (sometimes for the mere pleasure of hunting big game) and poaching is still intense of many African countries (from de 1.5 million animals in 1970, we are now down to around 500,000 pachyderms). The largest…
Whales big mouth
Up to recently, scientists did not really know how whales could eat the enormous amounts of krill they need to feed a record-sized body. It appears that this is now understood thanks to some serendipity. Sources: The New York Times article and the original paper of Jeremy A. Goldbogen, Nicholas D. Pyenson & Robert E.…
Click on the thumbnail image to enlarge it Sunbittern (Eurypyga helias, Caurale soleil). Brazil, 2007.
Neotropic Cormorant
The Cormorant is clearly a bird easy to find anywhere you can find some water. In Pantanal, the Neotropic Cormorant lives along rivers and is easily seen spreading its wings in the sun while not diving for fishes. Click on the thumbnail image to enlarge it Neotropic Cormorant (Phalacrocorax brasilianus, Cormoran vigua). Brazil, 2007.