Category: Wildlife photo

  • Northern Jaguar Project

    Northern Jaguar Project

    When it comes to saving animals from extinction, many efforts are needed. Some of them seem very interesting to me. This is the case of the Northern Jaguar Project. They try to protect a large piece of land in Northern Occidental Mexico in order to ensure a large zone where jaguars could survive in a…

  • Saffron Finch

    Saffron Finch

    Click on the thumbnail image to enlarge it Saffron Finch (Sicalis flaveola, Sicale bouton-d’or). Brazil, 2007.

  • Vulture


    Click on the thumbnail image to enlarge it Vulture (in flight). Brazil, 2007.

  • Yellow-rumped Cacique

    Click on the thumbnail image to enlarge it Yellow-rumped Cacique (Cacicus cela, Cassique à cul-jaune). Brazil, 2007.

  • Backlit tree

    Backlit tree

    Click on the thumbnail image to enlarge it Backlit tree. Brazil, 2007.

  • Black Skimmer

    Black Skimmer

    Click on the thumbnails image to enlarge them Black Skimmer (Rynchops niger, Bec-en-ciseaux noir). Brazil, 2007.

  • Toads (Brazil)

    Toads (Brazil)

      Click on the thumbnails image to enlarge them Brazil, 2007.

  • Anhinga


       Click on the thumbnails image to enlarge them Anhinga (Anhinga anhinga, Anhinga d’Amérique). Brazil, 2007.

  • Tropical Kingbird

    Tropical Kingbird

     Click on the thumbnails image to enlarge them Tropical Kingbird (Tyrannus melancholicus, tyran mélancolique). Brazil, 2007. Other possible identification: Cattle tyrant (Machetornis rixosus, Moucherolle querelleur). It was my initial assumption. But I now doubt it because of the wings 2-tone colour (the identification I did has been supported by will and DID in the forums…