Category: Wildlife photo
Brazilian ocelot born in zoo
The Brazilian ocelot is a feline species already endangered that you would only find in the wild in South America. The Louisville zoo had the chance of seeing El Conquistador, a lovely little ocelot, born on last September 23rd. Source: ScienceDaily.
Amazonian landscape
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Wriggling tropical life (macro photography)
Click on the thumbnail image to enlarge it Shot in Brazil, 2007.
Amazonian landscape
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Scarlet-headed Blackbird
Will you be able to find the female bird in this flock? Click on the thumbnail images to enlarge them This small bird is quite difficult to approach, but we were lucky to meet several of them in Brazil this year. Scarlet-headed Blackbird (Troupiale à tête rouge, Amblyramphus holosericeus).
Savanna Hawk
Click on the thumbnail images to enlarge them Savanna Hawk (Buse roussâtre – Buteogallus meridionalis) in Brazil.
Black and red dragonfly
Click on the thumbnail images to enlarge them If you know the exact name of this dragonfly, I’ll be happy to learn it. It is quite common in Brazil (both in Pantanal and Amazonia) when you have a small water bed.
Latest whale news: talk and faeces
Did you know that whales not only sing but their songs are being decoded into talk? University of Queensland researcher Dr Rebecca Dunlop thinks she now understands a lot of what they are talking about through their thumps, whistles and clacks. Also about whales, Stacy DeRuiter at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts started…
Macro shot of rose flowers
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