Category: Wildlife photo

  • Handbook of animal anatomy (lions and others)

    Handbook of animal anatomy (lions and others)

    These images come from the classic works of the German veterinary anatomists, Wilhelm Ellenberger and Hermann Baum, and medical illustrator, Hermann Dittrich. The texts, from which these illustrations were derived, are works published in 1898 and 1911 through 1925, all entitled ‘Handbuch der Anatomie der Tiere für Künstler‘ which can be translated as “Handbook (or…

  • The most stunning photos of hummingbirds

    The most stunning photos of hummingbirds

    Greg Scott is really an impressive wild life photographer. His images of hummingbirds are simply astounding: clear, detailed, nicely framed and showing the bird in the most surprising positions. I bow to this master! Sources: Greg Scott photo gallery, Greg Scott web site.

  • Muscovy duck

    Muscovy duck

    Click on the thumbnail image to enlarge it The muscovy duck is found in many places in Brazil. This one is trying to dry its wings.

  • Crimson-crested Woodpecker

    Crimson-crested Woodpecker

    Click on the thumbnail image to enlarge it A nice Crimson-crested Woodpecker (Campephilus melanoleucos) clutching its tree trunk. The early hour led to the very visible use of the flash to light this scene.

  • Hero in the Sun – behaviour

    Hero in the Sun – behaviour

    A few weeks ago, in October 2007, I was in Brazil shooting wild life images. A lot of these photos are showing birds and their beaviour. Interestingly, when back in France, I found a photo and an article in ScienceBlogs Select where GrrlScientist was surprised by a behaviour from a Great Blue Hero I had…

  • Golden Tegu – South American lizard seen in Brazil

    Golden Tegu – South American lizard seen in Brazil

    Click on the thumbnail image to enlarge it Despite its name, this large lizard can be found in white, yellow or green colours. This one was nearly perfectly black and white.

  • Southern Lapwing

    Southern Lapwing

    Click on the thumbnail image to enlarge it This bird is also known in South Brazil, where it is very common, as Quero Quero because of its cry (in French Vanneau téro).

  • Fork-tailed Flycatcher

    Fork-tailed Flycatcher

    Click on the thumbnail images to enlarge them Superb small bird whose attitude is a gift for the bird photographer. Fork-tailed Flycatcher (Tyrannus savana, Tyran des savanes). Brazil 2007.

  • Yann Arthus Bertrand has a page on Flickr

    Yann Arthus Bertrand has a page on Flickr

    The famous photographer of “Earth seen from the Sky” now has a page on Flickr. What is happening here? While he is still very attentive to the management of his photographer’s rights and of his fame, Yann Arthus Bertrand would have fallen into a liberated open publishing media? Of course, not. This is just an…