Category: Wildlife photo
CAD: Predator
I love Ctrl-Alt-Del comics. Today, we learn something about predation in the savanah.
New census sees half the tigers
According to NewScientist, despite the difficulty in counting the big cats, experts estimated that there were more than 3500 tigers in India in 2001 and 2002. Unfortunately, the latest figures are pointing at a figure nearer to 1300-1500. The size of the populations in large parks seems to be still enough to ensure the survival…
Iguazu Falls
Iguazu Falls (Foz do Iguaçu) are, at border between Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay, the place where the Iguaçu river, draining into Parana, rushes from the top of a volcanic plateau through more than 250 water falls spread over a circus of nearly three kilometers (Wikipedia information). Two days of visit were welcome to get the…
Two tigers. Two brothers?
Two tigers, actually brothers, bron together on 31st May 2007 in Tianjin zoo, China. But they don’t have the same color. Source: Daily Mail.
Baby snow leopards
Born in the Berlin zoo. Markus Schreiber
Ashera, a domestic cat with leopard blood
We know that all cats (wild or tame) come from the same ancestor. You may not know that they can cross-breed more or less easily. This led LifestylePets to create Ashera a new kind of cat that is the result of cross-breeding Asian Leopard, African Serval and domestic cat. Unfortunately, you will have to give…
Martin Forget, natural photos
Martin Forget has a photographic eye I envy. His animal and natural wildlife photos are simply delicious, vivid, surprising like this one: You will certainnly want to stop by his web site. But if you only have a minute, I invite you to a shortcut to his images on and you will see that…
Super pet
Giant jellyfish
This is too big! Did you think that sharks were dangerous? Yomiuri Shimbun/AFP/Getty Images, via ScienceBlog Select.