Category: Wildlife photo

  • Lions in the Kenya morning

    Lions in the Kenya morning

    A few images of lion females on (Kenya 2008).

  • Some more vultures

    Some more vultures

    Before some big cats, here are some vultures again:

  • Sun rise

    Sun rise

  • Giraffes from Kenya

    Giraffes, here is a weird animal. On of the real bizarre things in nature. You can often see young males fighting: It seems that they are fighting in a very slow motion. Despite that, it is a very aggressive behaviour and the males use that to decide hierarchies and access rights to the females. .…

  • Southern Eland

    The Southern Eland is the largest savanah antelope (bulls may weigh 700-800kg). Very shy, it runs away at first sight of a human being or a car. Difficult snapshot, guaranteed. Southern Eland (Taurotragus oryx, Elan du Cap, antílope eland común). Masai Mara, Kenya, September 2008.

  • Be a beta-tester

    If you have the heart of an adventurer, you may be interested to know that Ijust put in beta-test some new websites that I am working on. (site specializing in digital photography) (about felines and other big cats) (optical illusions) (SEO, traffic optimisation and web site revenue maximization) Your opinion will…