Category: Wildlife photo

  • Black-crowned night heron

    Black-crowned night heron

    Black-crowned night heron, Bihoreau gris (Nycticorax nycticorax)Falkland Islands, November 2019.

  • White-rumped sandpiper

    White-rumped sandpiper

    White-rumped sandpiper, Bécasseau à croupion blanc (Calidris fuscicollis)Falkland Islands, November 2019.

  • Turkey vulture

    Turkey vulture

    This small vulture is very charateristic and can be easily found in most of South America. Turkey vulture, Urubu à tête rouge (Cathartes aura)Falkland Islands, November 2019.

  • South American Snipe

    South American Snipe

    South American Snipe, Bécassine de Magellan (Gallinago paraguaiae)Falkland Islands, November 2019.

  • Cobb’s wren

    Cobb’s wren

    Cobb’s wren, Troglodyte de Cobb (Troglodytes cobbi)Falkland Islands, November 2019.

  • Long-tailed meadowlark

    Long-tailed meadowlark

    Long-tailed meadowlark, Sturnelle australe (Sturnella loyca)Falkland Islands, November 2019.

  • Black-chinned siskin

    Black-chinned siskin

    Black-chinned siskin, Chardonneret à menton noir (Spinus barbatus)Falkland Islands, November 2019.

  • Austral thrush

    Austral thrush

    Austral thrush, Merle austral (Turdus falcklandii)Falkland Islands, November 2019.

  • Leopard seal

    Leopard seal

    Tough photographic conditions to catch only glimpses from this leopard seal hunting (It starts under water, sometimes very near the sand beach, but nearly always finishes more than a hundred yards from the coast, and the meal itself only happens after transporting the victim on a large distance from the hunting grounds). But, it was…