Category: Wildlife photo
Orcas, videos I loved
I know! This looks like advertisement for a certain diving company. But I don’t care, I don’t know them. And the videos are awesome. Check the second video and observe the hunting technique. Look at how the orcas use their tail to stun fish (you should hear the noise of the tail hitting fish). I…
Sea lion
Strong sexual dimorphism allows easy differentiation of males and females (large and small individuals) of these very active penipedes. You will also note that they hold a thick mane explaining their name (lion manes, eh?). South American sea lion, Otarie à crinière (Otaria flavescens)Falkland Islands, November 2019.
Elephant seal
Elephant seal, Éléphant de mer du sud (Mirounga leonina)Falkland Islands, November 2019.
Magellanic oystercatcher
Magellanic oystercatcher, Huîtrier de Garnot (Haematopus leucopodus)Falkland Islands, November 2019.
Blackish oystercatcher
Blackish oystercatcher, Huîtrier noir (Haematopus ater)Falkland Islands, November 2019.
Upland goose
Upland goose, Ouette de Magellan, bernache de Magellan (Chloephaga picta)Falkland Islands, November 2019.
Kelp goose
Lovely geese wandering on the shores of the Falkland Islands. Kelp goose, Ouette marine (Chloephaga hybrida)Falkland Islands, November 2019.
Dolphin gull
Did you meet the fairest, the most colorful gull of the world? Here is the Dolphin gull with its red bill and its marvelous eyes. Dolphin gull, Goéland de Scoresby (Leucophaeus scoresbii)Falkland Islands, November 2019.
King penguin
Among all the penguins of the Falklands, there is only one king. One penguin so haughty, so aristocrat that it has earned its king title. Slightly smaller than the Emperor penguin of Antarctica, it is defintely as colorful, except when it’s young. Then, it is only a fluffy bowl of dull feathers continuously asking for…