Category: Manufacturing
It’s broken… Try again now!
Maintenance Percussive from Duncan Robson on Vimeo. No need for an engineer’s degree!
Aluminium anodization
Metal parts can be colored in the strangest ways. When we speak about aluminium, Apple is able to produce extraordinary hues on aluminium covers. As a matter of fact, they are using an anodization process which oxydizes the surface of the metal to create small pores to receive color pigmentation which will become nearly impossible…
Leave me alone!
YouTube link Bravo à Philippe L.
The sea of pianos
I recently received an email from Tom Wrigglesworth inviting me to have a look at a recently published video. Usually, I let such requests go by (if they are not just caught and dumped by my anti-spam filter). Sometimes, I have a look at them. Today, I was stopped by the sheer simplicity of this…
How a book was made?
Remember! This was long before the text reading on the screen of your mobile phone. We were using books made out of… paper. I kid you not! Here is how they made books in this long-gone era: YouTube link
Manufacturing a football
Keeping my continuous aim at showing you videos of some of the marvels of the industrial world, I found this video (promotional but interesting) where we can discover the manufacturing process for a football (relatively similar to our own rugby ball). YouTube link
Have you seen a 3D printer before?
Here is a Dimension SST 1200es 3D printer on the job of building 2 interlocked cube frames out of production-grade thermoplastic. YouTube link
Testing Boeing 747-8F brakes
YouTube link It ends with 5 minutes of cooling down for the brakes. If you want to see why and to have a better detailed view of it, look into it on a similar Airbus A380 brake test.
Reliability of lead-free soldering
For those of you who asked for more details about the reliability of lead-free soldering (see the end of my previous titled “Manufacturing of electronic boards“, I have found an interesting and useful analysis from Numonyx (now Micron Semiconductors). Lead-free and leaded package soldering compatibility – Backward and forward compatibility This white paper explores the…