Category: Enterprise
Man fined for ‘pregnancy’
A man living near Johannesburg (South Africa) was recently fined by a court for a bizarre reason: He stole a pregnancy certificate and forged it to get seven days off work. Apparently, he did not think that somebody would notice the ‘difficulty’ a man would have to become pregnant. Source: BBC news.
BitTorrent purchases uTorrent
BitTorrent, the leader and creator of the P2P technology that is driving most of the video and large-file peer-to-peer exchanges just announced that they bought µTorrent (micro-Torrent or uTorrent), the company providing the smallest, lightest (and maybe, fastest) BitTorrent client. Apparently, they intend to re-inforce their presence, possibly in preparation of an extension of the…
Apple wants total supplier security
This is the obvious conclusion of this minor news that may attract the attention of the engineers among us: Apple now has no less than seven suppliers for the Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) of its iPod (they expect a strong growth in 2007): Tripod Technology, Nan Ya Printed Circuit Board (NPC), Unimicron Technology, Compeq Manufacturing,…
Vista: Time for 64 bits
While Vista will soon be available in a 64-bit version (and that GNU/Linux went down this path several months ago), it is time to ponder the following question: “Do we need to go 64 bits?” And the answer is surprisingly simple if you look at it. Currently, PC are more and more often equiped with…
Public-Key cryptography ready to shatter?
Public-Key Cryptography is a very common technique used to protect sensitive information by encoding it in such a way that decoding relies on the extreme difficulty of some mathematics techniques (like finding the root factors of a prime integer). Today, a large part of our security is relying on this (including most of the secure…
Le Monde goes to WordPress
The blogs of Le Monde (French major newspaper) just moved to a new level. From their previous TypePad-supported architecture, they are now using WordPress. Good confirmation of the world-class quality of WordPress as a blogging software. Source: Toni’s Garage.
Exploding batteries kill Sony profits
The last figures have now been published: Sony finished counting the beans after several months of news of exploding laptop PC batteries and of worldwide product recalls. instead of 130 billion yens, they forecast to dive into a loss of about 50 billion yens. It is left to be seen what impact it will have…
Hunter William Associates – Another scam?
After my previous posts about another supposedly Zurich-based financial company, I received another call from a company claiming to be Zurich-based and ready to offer financial services on the New York Stock Exchange: Hunter William Associates. They want me to consider investing in some companies. The first tip they provided is relating to a respected…