Category: Film
The flight of the bumblebee
YouTube link And try not to admire the mimics of Malena Ernman, the singer.
The Internet Movie Database turns 20 tomorrow
This is a very old age for a web site, but they actually started before the web, in 1990, as a set of scripts on Usenet group rec.arts.movies. Today, IMDB is a major web database full of details about movies and the movie industry. Happy Birthday IMDB!
Why I don’t want to go on a cruise
LiveLeak link This video comes from a CC-TV filming the interior of a cruise ship in heavy weather. A love boat, indeed!
Fruits and vegetables in hospital
Normally, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is interesting only the physicists for its uses in scientific research and the physicians for the fabulous pictures it gives of the insides of the human body. An MRI scanner will allow to display fine cuts of the body of the patient laid into the machine, but what is to…
Test for Earthquakes
Building a tall structure able to resist the worst earthquakes, asks for some flexibility in the architecture. For this, it may be useful to do some tests simulating the furious conditions of a real earthquake. YouTube link
Bicycle vertigo
After a previous attempt at inducing vertigo into our readership (Camino del Rey and more generic vertigo), I try again to make you fall from your chair. Think about it, you could go on a bicycle tour and find this kind of trail. Would you ride to the end of it? YouTube link
Pixel Culture
Pixels by patrick Jean – Invasion pixels : geek tetris pacman ! YouTube link
Inside a 4-stroke piston engine
You certainly know the basic principles of the operation of a 4-stroke engine with its different phases: piston going down to suck gas and air in piston going up to compress the mixture piston going down pushed by the explosion piston going up to push burnt gas out of the cylinder Let’s admire the actual…