Category: Google

  • Translation tools I use

    Translation tools I use

    While I understand a few languages (French is my mother language, English and Spanish are OK, Portuguese or Italian I can recognize most of it), in my professional life, I have to handle a huge number of written comments in many different languages from all over the world (verbatim comments given by end-users and repair…

  • A TV decoder box comes to our house

    A TV decoder box comes to our house

    Sometimes, you just think aloud about a technical possibility and one of the family members will jump and request an immediate application. What could you say? Your geek reputation is at stake! I spoke about small computers that can easily become a network server (Raspberry Pi) and Android boxes which ease publication of videos onto…

  • Cast picture slideshows to Chromecast

    Cast picture slideshows to Chromecast

    A Chromecast is a really funny little tool that will ease the connection of a basic TV set to a computer or your smartphone. But Google really limited the possibilities – explicitly because they wanted to keep users inside the Google biosphere. So, I wanted to use my old Chromecast 2013 (but the issue and…

  • Authy, solution to 2FA pains

    Authy, solution to 2FA pains

    In the past, I have been known to push for the use of two-factor authentication for as many web sites as possible. Through the use of an app running on my smartphone, I can provide a code that is much safer than the SMS text message sent by some web sites and that can be…

  • Free fonts by the thousands

    Free fonts by the thousands

    You can’t have too many fonts for your computer. Or can you? Actually, I am trying to make sure that you will get much more than you can swallow here: tens of thousands of character fonts. Not only a bunch of them, but two sources of the nicest kind. FontPark is nothing less than a…

  • Test your web site load speed

    Test your web site load speed

    While working on improving the performance of my web sites, I have been using several tools in order to evaluate the performance of the site itself. Some are good, some are very good, some are overwhelmingly good. You cannot avoid mentioning the Google webmaster tools. They do a lot of things and contain a performance…

  • Bloglines: This is the end

    Bloglines: This is the end

    Not everybody knows Bloglines, but this is an excellent RSS aggregator that I have been using for several years already to quickly check and track efficiently a large number of information sources (and efficiency is a key factor when you read 165 web sites simultaneously not accepting to spend your life and nights to it).…

  • How to test a consumer product (telephone)

    When you are an industrial company intending to launch a new product for a consumer market, you’d better think about everything and make sure that it will sustain all the conditions absolutely improperly hard that customers will submit it to (everything indicates that you and me, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Consumer, are ugly brutes). In…