Category: Lists
Nearly 1 million American terrorists according to FBI
In September 2007, the Inspector General of the Justice Department reported that the Terrorist Screening Center (the FBI-administered organization that consolidates terrorist watch list information in the United States) had over 700,000 names in its database as of April 2007 – and that the list was growing by an average of over 20,000 records per…
Architect pornography
Everybody keeps hearing that those buildings built in Abu Dhabi are the most extraordinary ones because the architects have huge amounts of money flowing to build them. But, actually, it’s a world wide competition to create the most astonishing sky-scrappers and buildings. Here are my best finds in this huge category: Vertical urban farm Imagined…
Linux: Free e-books to download
If you are interested in GNU/Linux and want some useful e-reading, you should jump to this list of free ebooks related to Linux from
Things that only happen in movies (top 17)
Hollywood! Movies! There’s no other place where: If the hero starts dancing, suddenly, everybody around knows the steps and dance with them. Any car hit by a bullet immediately explodes in a cloud of flames, a mere rivulet of oil turns into a fire ball. An ugly girl only has to remove her glasses and…
Free university education
You may not have the time and money to go to University lectures. But there are other open options that the Internet is now offering. Many universities and famous institutions provide free online lectures. Let’s browse a few of the best ones I could find: Collège de France : the most famous French scientific institution…
X-rays of celebs and stars
The stars of show business and other stars are chased all around the world by paparazzis. Sometimes even catch them in X-ray photos. Here are the evidences: Pamela Anderson Homer Simpson Mickey Mouse
Poor man’s camera accessories
I recently stumbled upon several good ideas for the photographer (and cinematographer) with a limited budget. They seem quite simple and interesting to apply. Ring Flash for a penny For macro-photography and proxi-photography, a flash is often needed. But it is difficult to obtain a nice light not simply coming from the side (and casting…
How to identify birds?
After having shot a few hundreds (er… a few thousands) photos in Brazil, I ended up with a stack of images. Some were easy to label. Some were less esay to label. Particularly, for wild birds, the problem is to quickly determine the species that is appearing on the photo. Several solutions are open to…
Free software shooters, for Linux
If you are a gamer (as in video games), if you like the challenge of confronting other players in FPS shootouts, if you are using GNU/Linux, you will be interested to find the comparison brought by Comparison of Free Software Shooters with: Sauerbraten OpenArena Alien Arena Nexuiz World of Padman Tremulous War§ow