Category: Lists

  • Why you want to start your own blog

    Some time ago, most people would not even think about creating a web site. Today, it became so easy to do (see another post coming soon) that the only question is not how, but why. Consequently, I decided to give you a few of the common ideas that led most web site designers and bloggers…

  • My WordPress plugins

    Some people seem to have wondered what plugins I am using to extend the basic functionality of WordPress. So here goes the list: AdSense Deluxe to help me handle Google AdSense advertising and some table inclusions in the posts. Akismet to protect against comment SPAM. WP-email to allow users to email a copy of…

  • The fairest image

    This web site offers to compare two images. You click on the one that seems fairest to you. It allows to build a small top-10 list of the fairest images. Curiously, the majority of the fair images are colorful landscapes. It’s your turn to judge which image is the fairest! You can also propose images…

  • 11 Myths of Surge Protection

    Surge protection is a technology which is obviously difficult to grasp and the sales people do not make it easier. Wendell H. Laidley wrote a nice paper to explain it in an interesting way: He shows the 11 Myths of Surge Protection: Any surge protection is better than no surge protection A UPS will provide…

  • Best posts of 2006

    It is now the time to look back at the year 2006 and to check what you really liked in the web site. So, here are the posts viewed the most in the past year. Is it a surprise? Canon 40D crushes 30D prices, at least, that was the rumour. But the prices went…

  • 6 questions to hire an Engineer

    Whatever the skills you use in your professional life, the pre-hiring interview is a needed step that the candidate engineer will have to go through. They prepare themselves as much as they ca. But the hiring people usually are relying more on their habits or experience and they do not prepare interviews too much (with…

  • Top quality free fonts

    Plenty of web sites try to attract you with free fonts (or other free items) and fail to deliver this. If you are lucky you will find a couple of ugly (but still free) fonts. Now, it is quite exceptional to find true top-quality fonts on the web. Vitaly Friedman just did this on his…

  • 2006 ig-Nobel prizes (From smell of human feet to inaudible telephone ringtones)

    The Annals of Improbable Research (a magazine dedicated to the public celebration of the research that makes people LAUGH and then THINK) have organized the 2006 ig Nobel awards. The categories are less rigid than their equivalent in the more presentable cousin of the family (the Oh! so dull Nobel prizes) since there are established…

  • 6mn to move to OpenOffice

    You are thinking about moving from Microsoft Office (expensive commercial bloatware ;-)) to OpenOffice (free). A few questions you can ask to orgniaze your transition, before you jump ahead.