Category: Photo
Vervet monkey
Vervet monkey (Chlorocebus pygerythrus, Singe vervet). South Africa, Hluhluwe Park. August 2015.
Baboons running in the burnt hills. Chacma baboon (Papio ursinus ursinus, Babouin chacma) South Africa, Giant’s Castle Park August 2015.
White-backed Vulture
White-backed Vulture (Gyps africanus, Vautour africain). South Africa, Giant’s Castle Park. August 2015.
Common Eland
Common Eland (Taurotragus oryx, Élan du Cap ou Éland du Cap). South Africa, Drakensberg. August 2015.
Arrival at Giant’s Castle
When arriving near Giant’s Castle, we could observe that wild fires are a significant issue handled by the local Fire Department in order to limit oerall risks. But, our drive was crossing the burning area.
Simon’s Town
Southern Right Whale breaching in front of Hermanus
Hermanus, in South Africa, considers itself as the world capital of “whale watching from the coast”. Reading this on the Internet reeks of overblown marketing. You can easily imagine this applied to the back of a whale far on the horizon calling for the use of the biggest binoculars. Nothing would be more wrong! You…
Lighthouse at Misty Cliffs
A rhino mother and her calf as seen from the road in Hluwluwe Park, South Africa, August 2015.