Category: Science & Geeks

  • My other web sites

    My other web sites

    Some people asked where my other websites are. (Did you know that I publish several other personal blogs?) So, here is a condensed list: Wild Focus The portfolio of my best photographs YLoveBigCats Big cats are just amazing animals YLovePhoto Photo technique (and pictures from other photographers) YLoveIllusions Optical illusions 200gluten Life with coeliac disease

  • Ancient Mediterranean alphabets

    Ancient Mediterranean alphabets

    I have always been slightly fascinated by the way a language can move from oral tradition to a written system. Ancient civilizations developed some quite interesting alphabets (because we partially recognize or understand them). One of them appears to be well understood even today: The Greek alphabet evolved with technology around the Mediterranean sea. However,…

  • Designing and comparing alphabets

    Designing and comparing alphabets

    Thanks to the very interesting (and very simple) website of Paul Hsieh GeekPress, I want to share two little gems about English scripture with you today. He found two ways to compare some alphabets. One is about grouping them (a bit like in a Venn diagram): The second is a more hierarchical walk between alphabets.…

  • Theme security for a WordPress site

    Theme security for a WordPress site

    It is a fact of life on the Internet that hackers are roaming continuously in search for a chance to apply their knowledge to abuse your web site. Recently, I had the occasion of noticing an opportunity that I should not have let happening on My web site is using WordPress as the “engine”…

  • Artificial Intelligence to upscale photographs

    Artificial Intelligence to upscale photographs

    Did you notice that I am interested in/attracted by Artificial Intelligence? Among various tests, here is a nice little resulting application for digital photographers. I finally found how to significantly (x4) increase the resolution of my photographic pictures (upscaling) without losing details. An AI allowed me to recreate the “missing pixels” to build a picture…

  • Install LLAMA under Windows

    Install LLAMA under Windows

    I just wanted to start playing with something similar to ChatGPT. I have a Windows 10 PC based on Intel i9-13900K (so pretty much top of the line in terms of performance both for single core and for multicore) and 64 GB of DRAM (a bit over what most people have, but I understood from the…

  • Evolution to favor user privacy

    Evolution to favor user privacy

    After the recent information updates from CNIL and other European privacy-supporting public agencies (in Austria, in Italy, etc.), it was becoming clear that the use of Google Analytics to track visitor statistics on our web site was non-compliant with parts of the requirements of GDPR (specifically but not only, because Google data is stored in…

  • Alphabet evolution and hyphens

    Alphabet evolution and hyphens

    Thanks to very interesting (and very simple) web site of Paul Hsieh GeekPress, I want to share today with you two little gems about English scripture. You certainly knew that the alphabet we use (A to Z) has not always existed. You may have suspected that it was evoving in time from older scripts. Matt…

  • A few trains

    I have always been fascinated by trains. I grew up in a family house where a whole room was reserved for a permanent installation of a large model train in HO gauge. So, over a few years, I collected a few links I want to share here for your eyes’ delight: Magnificent locomotives and great…