Category: Computers

  • Wallpapers: Quality photos

    It is always more pleasant to work with a nice wall paper on your PC (or Mac) desktop. Here are two interesting source sof beautiful wallpapers based on photographic quality images: dozens of nature-oriented images (including some cartoons) on; ligthning and storms (15 images). Downright spectacular.

  • Write down everything to ease maintenance

    Some have been surprised by one little habit of mine around my PC (I should say ‘my PCs”): I keep a detailled log of everything I do on my PC in a plain old school paper book. It may be a software installation, a parameter change on another software package, the update of a driver.…

  • S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky – latest news

    It is now official: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky will be available in our stores on September 5th (very soon, eh!) This should be the reason to go through a last minute list of all the recent screenshots and videos displaying the best images of this FPS game coming from Russia. Interview videos (from VE3D) Screenshots (from…

  • S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky – some news

    These days, I received a number of news in preparation of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky launch. This is an FPS video game for PC that should attract many players already in love with S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky will be shown by GSC Game World in Los Angeles for the Electronic Entertainment Expo (with…

  • Radeon HD4870 performance

    Sapphire announced that its Radeon HD4870 would be available in France in the coming days at 249€. 3Dguru has a nice review of the upcoming Radeon HD4870 graphics card. It’s supposed to be the fastest offering from AMD and it is stacked against the GTX260 from nVidia, cheaper Radeon HD4850 and older nVidia GeForce 9800…

  • Radeon HD4870, better than a HD4850

    Radeon HD4870, better than a HD4850

    You loved seeing the arrival of AMD’s Radeon HD4870? Here comes her stronger sister in graphics cards: Radeon HD4870. The first one was available for a measly 150€, what makes it a nice little entry point for the powerful 3D graphics cards (understand: “for video games“). The Radeon HD4870 has been spotted in France at…