Category: Blog

  • Search terms

    Looking into the search terms used by people on the, I had some fun recently. Let’s quickly browse some of the most representative surprising ones: chasseur francais poussiere reflex (in English: French hunter SLR dust): I did not have in mind that we had so many readers interested in photo hunting in the most…

  • Nobody reads my blog…

    Nobody reads my blog…

    Thank you, Xtian.

  • Ideas for a better web site

    If you want to build a web site, or a better web site, I am starting a series of short small ideas about how to improve a web site or a blog with small tasks. One idea, one improvement per week. This is in the “easy idea” category of my other web site: Y Want…

  • PHP changes

    This is what I told myself when uncovering a little PHP code fragment that stopped working on one of my web sites. So, this is a reminder for those of you inattentive programmers like me: $DOCUMENT_ROOT = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’]; is deprecated and works no longer. You must now use the newest form: $DOCUMENT_ROOT = $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’];. Be…

  • Be a beta-tester

    If you have the heart of an adventurer, you may be interested to know that Ijust put in beta-test some new websites that I am working on. (site specializing in digital photography) (about felines and other big cats) (optical illusions) (SEO, traffic optimisation and web site revenue maximization) Your opinion will…

  • Good and bad things about WordPress 2.6

    I migrated this web site to the latest version of WordPress (version 2.6). Since this is a significant jump from the old v2.3.3 that I was still using (because it was stable and without known bugs), I feel that it could be interesting to summarize the observations I made during this migration. Good Somehow, the…

  • WordPress 2.6 and images

    Minor information about using WordPress v2.6 (the latest revison of this great blog/web-site-wrinting tool). I had a few difficulties to ensure that images where correctly aligned and displayed after the improvements in their presentation in WP2.6. For those really interested, I ended up adding the following to my CSS file: /*************************************/ /* Align code for…

  • Disable hotlinking

    When you have a web site, it becomes quite common that some people feel so easy to just borrow your images that they do not even take the time to make a copy on their own web site. Not only do they use your artwork, but they also use the bandwidth you paid for. Normally,…

  • Daily inspiration with WordPress

    Daily inspiration with WordPress

    Some people have been telling me: “You blog! That must take a lot of time and you must be there each and every day”. Don’t worry, I may post something on every day, but it does not mean that I am in front of the keyboard every day. Far from it. I am using…