Category: New web site

  • WordPress 2.6 and images

    Minor information about using WordPress v2.6 (the latest revison of this great blog/web-site-wrinting tool). I had a few difficulties to ensure that images where correctly aligned and displayed after the improvements in their presentation in WP2.6. For those really interested, I ended up adding the following to my CSS file: /*************************************/ /* Align code for…

  • Daily inspiration with WordPress

    Daily inspiration with WordPress

    Some people have been telling me: “You blog! That must take a lot of time and you must be there each and every day”. Don’t worry, I may post something on every day, but it does not mean that I am in front of the keyboard every day. Far from it. I am using…

  • bbPress installation

    While installing the new forums software on (bbPress) [it was only an evaluation that will not be followed immediately by a full implementation], I noted a few of the details I needed to do in order to reach a conveniently installed package. Since bbPress is only lightly documented, it may be helpful for other.…

  • Dollar going low, blogger earning less

    As the US dollar drops in Stock Markets, there are some unexpected victims. As many other companies whose customers pay in US dollars, many bloggers using advertising services are being paid in US dollars (or in Euros converted from US dollars). While the green bill currency was dropping through the floor, bloggers earnings dropped too…

  • Rich fonts for your web site

    The design of a web site is notoriously opposed to the use of rich and varied fonts: You are strongly invited to stick to the small list of common fonts. Unfortunately, this is not always enough. If you already started exploring alternatives like text-in-GIF-images, have a look at this hackzine article: HOWTO – Use rich…

  • Weird: All our error pages

    When you follow a broken link in this web site, you will fall onto an error page. Of course, this does not happen very often (Ed.: I hope so!); I decided to give you a direct list of the error pages to answer to the standard erorr code 404 page not found. 404 page not…

  • Spell-checking with Opera

    I am in love with the Opera web browser. I use it for 99% of my web browsing, so it is also the tool I use when writing posts for the web site. The only thing that I did not have right out-of-the-box after download was the ability of checking my spelling (and several…

  • Fifty ways to track website traffic

    You have a web site, you want to see its traffic growth (it appears that this is the number one way web site creators spend their time: They track each and every little traffic change with stat tools). I offer you here a frighteningly long list of ways to satisfy your worst statistical perversions. Fifty…

  • Install multiple versions of IE on your PC

    Ok! This is useless for myriads of Internet users except the web site designer that wants (needs?) to test a page under different versions of Internet Explorer, but the installer built by Yousif ontains IE3, IE4.01, IE5, IE5.5 and IE6. Not bad! Install multiple versions of IE on your PC