Category: Internet
- crontab on the web
Webcron is an automated task service at set hours. If you know Unix or Linux you already heard about the Crontab. Webcron is a Web adaptation of this well-known Crontab. But nothing complicated at all! Webcron allows you to do tasks at set hours by looking for a page on your website. For example, save…
Statistics for the RSS feed
I recently checked the log files for my web site and I stopped to look at the share of the different tools used by the users of the RSS feeds of the site: my Yahoo! 3.8% * 3.8% Google 11.5% BlogLines 3.9% NewsGator 3.5% MoreOver 4.6% * Technorati 6.9% * Firefox 34.6% Opera…
RSS feed: Now in full glory
It’s decided! I just set my RSS feeds to “full content”. These feeds allow some people already to browse quickly the contents of the web site without even being connected and allow to be automatically informed of new posts and changes straight from their browsers of some news/feeds aggregating sites likeBlogLines, MyYahoo!, Google, etc. Good…
Free online Photoshop
Adobe has been observing the desktop application market and specifically seen Google challenging Microsoft with its online Google desktop suite (spreadsheet, text processor, agenda, etc.). They determined that they want to go the same way in order to ensure a bright future for the Photoshop line. Currently, Adobe has already split its market niche between…
Internet loves UK Internet users
More precisely, according to an eMarketer market study, the companies advertising on the Internet are rushing to be in front of the English and French Internet users. Much more than for Italian, Spanish and German users. The exact origin of this difference is not well explained, but the advertising companies probably believe more in these…
Free Kareem
Amnesty International
Ridiculed scammers
For once, a scammer let us smile (though against his will). Let’s smile. Today, it is the 419 scammers that have been baited by an Internet user who decided to have fun with them and convinced them that he would give a lot of money to people who would recreate famous scenes from movies or…