Category: Internet
Why tables for layout is stupid
Even if I am usually in favor of designing web sites using tables, I wanted to provide a link to an interesting article taking exactly the opposite position: Why tables for layout is stupid. For those wondering, my preference goes to HTML tables because they are easier to implement the 3-column designs that I prefer…
Click prohibition
The web site is an experience definitely interesting for all who (like you and me, no doubt) are used to intereact with a web site using the click of our mouse. This special web site – it is a research experiment about man-machine interfaces – is 100% usable without ever clicking on anything. It’s…
Le Monde goes to WordPress
The blogs of Le Monde (French major newspaper) just moved to a new level. From their previous TypePad-supported architecture, they are now using WordPress. Good confirmation of the world-class quality of WordPress as a blogging software. Source: Toni’s Garage.
YouTube wipes 30000 out
Even if it may not really be linked to the Google buyout, YouTube announced that it had removed nearly 30000 videos from its web site after the request of Japan Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers (JASRAC) who detected infractions about the copyrights they manage. You had to admit that a significant part…
Security bug in Opera 9.0
A quick security information newsbit about my prefered web browser (Opera): Security outfit iDefense just found a bug, that would have significant security implications, in the recent Opera versions 9.0 and 9.01. Version 9.02 is immediately available on the site and corrects this.
DNS service: Pingability
A web service for those of you willing to check their DNS declaration: Pingability quick DNS check.
Free icons of good quality
Mark James, a part-time web developper, produced more than a thousand slick little icons that are distributed freely on This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License, which means that if you want to use them, you only have to remember to state clearly that Mark James is the author and…