Category: Internet

  • Be a beta-tester

    If you have the heart of an adventurer, you may be interested to know that Ijust put in beta-test some new websites that I am working on. (site specializing in digital photography) (about felines and other big cats) (optical illusions) (SEO, traffic optimisation and web site revenue maximization) Your opinion will…

  • Good and bad things about WordPress 2.6

    I migrated this web site to the latest version of WordPress (version 2.6). Since this is a significant jump from the old v2.3.3 that I was still using (because it was stable and without known bugs), I feel that it could be interesting to summarize the observations I made during this migration. Good Somehow, the…

  • Chrome is not a browser

    How could we ignore the launch of Chrome, the new browser from Google? Every is babbling about it, everybody tried it (it can be downloaded here). But after one test run, I believe that I should explain something. Yes, this is a marvellous browser because it takes most of the good things from FireFox, Opera…

  • WordPress 2.6 and images

    Minor information about using WordPress v2.6 (the latest revison of this great blog/web-site-wrinting tool). I had a few difficulties to ensure that images where correctly aligned and displayed after the improvements in their presentation in WP2.6. For those really interested, I ended up adding the following to my CSS file: /*************************************/ /* Align code for…

  • Cuil, what about it?

    The newest fad about search engines is Cuil (say “cool”). It’s been created by people from Google and is set to replace Google (or is it?) I tried it and I could not think of a reason to use it. The biggest problem is that it does not find anything useful. I may be a…

  • Browse anonymously

    …with this long list of proxies (unfortunately, some or many of them may not work for all people).

  • Disable hotlinking

    When you have a web site, it becomes quite common that some people feel so easy to just borrow your images that they do not even take the time to make a copy on their own web site. Not only do they use your artwork, but they also use the bandwidth you paid for. Normally,…

  • Newsgroups: Freely download big files

    Newsgroups: Freely download big files

    While everybody is speaking about downloads under surveillance of law enforcement forces and **AA groups defending the copyrights of music and cinema, I wondered where the download addicts were going now to get their load of big files. I looked into the P2P networks heavily protected by a strong encryption and supposed to guarantee the…

  • Daily inspiration with WordPress

    Daily inspiration with WordPress

    Some people have been telling me: “You blog! That must take a lot of time and you must be there each and every day”. Don’t worry, I may post something on every day, but it does not mean that I am in front of the keyboard every day. Far from it. I am using…