Category: Internet
Revolutions in the air
I noticed two important announcements for airline passengers. Things will be changing in terms of accepting new technologies useful for most international frequent flyers: GSM mobile phones will be accepted in planes by Britain’s Civil Aviation Authority. But prices may be hard on your wallet, of course. [1] American Airlines to start WiFi broadband service…
Acid3 test – 100% score for Safari and Opera
The age-old Acid3 test is a small (but challenging) test of the compatibility of web browsers. Very few of them are able to even display something remotely similar to the expected result. But things changed a lot recently with a few important news: On March 26, Opera was announced to be the very first browser…
- closed?, the American video sharing web site, seems to have closed its doors on the Internet. We knew that they had some financial difficulties, but we had learned that Brad Greenspan, co-founder of MySpace, founder of LiveUniverse, had just bought the site out. There is still to see if Brad Greenspan will re-launch the site,…
Email to convert documents
If you want to convert your Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint files into PDF, just email them to But there’s more: to convert from Microsoft Word or Visio to PDF file to convert from PDF to Word or RTF file to convert from WAV to MP3 format to convert from…
Opera 9: voice commands
I just discovered (I have to admit that I had not to look very far) a small feature of the Opera browser (from version 9): the voice interface. This is fascinating, Opera accepts voice commands and can read the contents of a web page. You have to first install a small add-in module (that is…
5$ a month legal P2P in Canada and USA
Nothing is for sure, but Wired has an article about this issue: paying a monthly fee to have fully legal access to unlimited music download on P2P. Wired seems to believe that it would be a piracy levy on ISPs, but I think it would be a real license paid on a monthly basis.
Copyright basics
Long ago, I had already published the old Copyright FAQ (“10 Big Myths about copyright explained” by Brad Templeton; You find a copy below, since it appears to no longer be available elsewhere), but here is a good post from PlagiarismToday: “10 Basics About Copyright Everyone Needs to Know“.
AVG free AntiVirus up to v8
The very good anti-virus software got a little better with version 8. But the free version (which made it so popular) is not yet available. For now, you’ll have to stick to the excellent v7.5.
User rights in WordPress 2.3
Pour ceux qui souhaitent le savoir, chaque utilisateur sur le site peut avoir des droits différents selon le rôle qui lui est attribué (par mes soins). Les droits attachés ne sont pas toujours évidents, même pour un habitué de WordPress. C’est pourquoi j’ai produit le tableau ci-dessous pour expliquer. Cliquer sur le tableau pour…